Friday, December 30, 2011

The countdown is on!

With only a few more weeks remaining, I finally had my "Going Away
Lunch." Apparently, there were so many people interested in seeing me
go home, they had to take turns "roasting" me. I was described as a
gifted orator "who can make dirty things seem clean....and make clean
things seem dirty." What a compliment!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Someone got anxious with the Advent Calendar

It was opened on 2 December....and completed on 7 December. Its good
to be ahead of schedule...right???

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Holiday Season is Upon Us

The weather has shifted considerably. The daytime temps are in the
50s/60s....but the evening and early morning temps are usually below
freezing. No snow yet, but each morning starts off with a decent
layer of frost on most things.

In one of the attached photos, I captured a recent sunrise from a good
vantage point.

In the other, you can see some of the Holiday Cheer that is being
spread across the base. I was impressed....the Xmas Tree was
decorated 48 hours after Thanksgiving dinner!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Just a snapshot of my "Crew" while we feasted on turkey and other goodies. YUM!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The "eyesore" is removed

The culmination of winning the SAF/AQS Lightning Bolt Award ("For
being at the center of a storm whether you caused it or not") from
6000 miles away...and the fact that my organization was able to raise
money by having people from within (and outside of) my deployed unit
bid money to shave of the 'stache....hearkened the end of my
mustache's ephemeral life. It was a good run, while it lasted. I'd
like to extend a special thanks to Tom Selleck, Richard Roundtree, and
Ron Jeremy for their support. With 60 more days remaining in my tour
in AFG....I think I may grow it out again....or.....not. :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Living Space and Work Place

Many of you have been asking about my work and living spaces. The
attached photos are of my office/desk area and of my bedroom. It took
me 3+ months to get a phone at my desk....and then I got 2 phones!

Monday, October 24, 2011

I had dinner with Congressional Representative from CT

There was a mass-email to the entire base looking for folks to have
dinner with their respective Congressmen. When I saw CT on the list,
I threw my name in the hat.

The food was good, but the conversation was great!

I was joined by a few other folks who were/are natives of CT.

One of them brought a classically retro pennant from many moons