Friday, December 30, 2011

The countdown is on!

With only a few more weeks remaining, I finally had my "Going Away
Lunch." Apparently, there were so many people interested in seeing me
go home, they had to take turns "roasting" me. I was described as a
gifted orator "who can make dirty things seem clean....and make clean
things seem dirty." What a compliment!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Someone got anxious with the Advent Calendar

It was opened on 2 December....and completed on 7 December. Its good
to be ahead of schedule...right???

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Holiday Season is Upon Us

The weather has shifted considerably. The daytime temps are in the
50s/60s....but the evening and early morning temps are usually below
freezing. No snow yet, but each morning starts off with a decent
layer of frost on most things.

In one of the attached photos, I captured a recent sunrise from a good
vantage point.

In the other, you can see some of the Holiday Cheer that is being
spread across the base. I was impressed....the Xmas Tree was
decorated 48 hours after Thanksgiving dinner!