Friday, July 22, 2011

I'm back on the blog! took me little while to internet access....but I am back!

More details to come over the weekend!

And...perhaps even a few photos....if I can squeeze them through these tiny data pipes....

Monday, July 4, 2011

In transit...

Flight from BWI to Ramstein was long....but uneventful.

Actually, the food was quite good...and I saw Tron and some other movie.

Flight to Kuwait was equally good...and I slept pretty for a few hours.

Kuwait is HOT....but no surprise there.  There is free bottled water and gatorade at every turn.

I forgot it was Independance Day...until I saw the big cake (with a large American Flag) at the DFAC

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Packing for Deployment many things to bring on the deployment.

Its a good thing Daisy has volunteered to accompany me!