Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Just a snapshot of my "Crew" while we feasted on turkey and other goodies. YUM!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The "eyesore" is removed

The culmination of winning the SAF/AQS Lightning Bolt Award ("For
being at the center of a storm whether you caused it or not") from
6000 miles away...and the fact that my organization was able to raise
money by having people from within (and outside of) my deployed unit
bid money to shave of the 'stache....hearkened the end of my
mustache's ephemeral life. It was a good run, while it lasted. I'd
like to extend a special thanks to Tom Selleck, Richard Roundtree, and
Ron Jeremy for their support. With 60 more days remaining in my tour
in AFG....I think I may grow it out again....or.....not. :)